the circle of life
The circle of life
Even still we are thrust
into its depths
To scream at the sky "why"
amidst tears
Or grasp the heart in joy
finding meaning in all the years
How delicate and fragile each
existence is
Even through the gutted stench
of brutal nature
I must remember
the fertility of Breath
The composite being
of awareness
heartache & joy
It is a life worth lived
mortality ticks closer with Age
and it seeps into
the chambers of the Heart
the heaviness hangs
onto each day
a reminder, a curse, a gift
We must carry on
There is no choice
But to face
the Bends
Until the circle brings us around again
I cannot understand
fathom or explain
I cannot let the weight
I can humbly accept
the truth of nature
and open the doors of my heart
live & love, cry & mourn
Make everyday a tribute
To the souls that give life meaning
To the precious magnitude of will & remembrance
To carry on the memory in my present
And know they will meet
the Keepers of Divinity
and virtue in another world
Let there be light.
written the night of 8/5/08 after finding out about Mike.
read 8/9/08 at his service.
In Memory of Michael J. Didomenico <3
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