voodoo chile ventures

rhyming and repetition...my mental stitching. ramble on.

Monday, September 11, 2006


"it starts in my heart when i reach that place"


not knowing

fault lines


-the devil surrounds-

the idea of home
taunts me

my waking disease=everybody

how can i be so selfish?

shoulda been a shellfish

"the rain comes down while the sun is shining"

who fixes the mind machine?
mine's gone solo

so low

i want to touch
to taste
to see
to feel
to be everything

i don't want to forget
i don't want to ever be above
to be numb
to fall into the grey
sliding slope of success

there is always more
something else to uncover

i know my numbers mean something

i am so scared that i'm going to fail

i hate being the trigger of the gun
that makes people want
(they have the powder first)

i don't want to waste away

but i am the
21st century hypocrite

we will all burn

the question is
what we can muster
in our measly little lives
before it is all ash

before it is all
past tense

words gone from the lip
from the tip

sometimes i want the lighter fluid

sometimes i don't care

sometimes it wells up in me

that i can't breathe

that i am not my own being

i have become with
i can

how long can we survive in the concrete jungle

what will replace the rainbow?

on the search for peace
on the search for peace

silently she can't rest
until she knows she done her best


Blogger ananth said...

Amazing... the fire that burns within your heart and inflames mine, I think the twine have met sometime... I reckon... in my dreams or your imagination..your words are so vivid that I cannot but describe the feeling inside....
My head reels and heart feels..
the emotion... the letters that reveal the most ...in the dark, almost invisible ... I share my heart to everone that listens for a beat.. I invite you to a treat @

As Always,

10/2/06, 4:41 AM  

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