voodoo chile ventures

rhyming and repetition...my mental stitching. ramble on.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

a mount

the full moon freak out ensues

the monthly bloom

of high tides

when everything

moves in over drive

the comfort of nesting

and doubting

personal besting

i need clarity and i need it fast

i cannot follow my father's footsteps

waiting for the day

when something gives

that's no way to live

break the cycle with will

and hide that fearful chill

of amounting to paychecks

while cradling regret

Monday, September 24, 2007

wheelbarrows of apathy sitting beside the white chickens

so much of my life
depends upon
the momentum of others

the sighs and groans
the smiles and moans

pull the plug
or let her recharge

the stars aren't that far?

half baked and caked
is real this date?
monitoring our actions
for others satisifaction

who created the sick office game
of higher ups and lower downs

give me a reason
to never come 'round

as the fall leads
i'm finding adventure
in the breeze
but can't seem to
get strength
in these knobby knees

i don't get paid enough
to watch the sun go down
alongside the executives
when i'm just a pet to them

my plans
my opinions
my aspirations
seem not to matter

they'll settle
for idle
office chatter

they've more than strecthed fair
it's too bad
that i still care

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


the weather is changing
dreams are stirring

when i was young
my arms never got strong

it belongs to me
it belongs to me

the winds of change roll in
my arms are open
i head out of the fog into the dark
it shines around me brightly
a shining night
with shining eyes

so she hangs brightly
transfixed by the earthly glow

nothing moves forward
everything moves back

what has been covered
the next step
upon my bruised sole

the air of indifference
beckons the meek
the uncertain
my my feats
won't let me smolder
in yesterday's ash

how can you
sleep like a baby?

now i've got strong arms
for a skinny girl

short haired

looking for
the inner surprise

on a low red moon night

Thursday, September 06, 2007

chewing away
passing the ill moments spent

is there redemption in the clock
or just dreams mis-sought

wrinkled bed sheets
lines in the skin

pathways to chains
invisible existing
a few words later
and i'm in

open armed bandits
hide in the banks
with plastic & numbers
we all fade to gray

dug a hole too small
and now it overfills
dreams too narrow
for actions so big

the wanton of more
to fill up the spirit
like a balloon
another pair of shoes
will certainly
see me through

the times we stay
and closed eyed
is just means
to survive

but still
lofty analyze
the whys

i just have to
have faith in some things
and to remember
the first rhythm
was the heart beat